Sure. We have had some discussions on the cultural exemption, and we come to this negotiation from a somewhat different direction from the EU. Traditionally the EU doesn't have a broad cultural exemption in their free trade agreements, as we do. They have a fairly narrow one that only applies to those chapters where it has immediate relevance. So one of the things they've done with us is question why we need an exemption that cuts across the entire agreement when it has no relevance for a number of the chapters, and in particular they have some concerns that there could be contradictions in a chapter on intellectual property rights that would provide value to artists and other cultural sectors.
So this is a discussion more over form than substance. As you say, there is a lot of sympathy within the European Union for maintaining the ability to pursue cultural interests and to protect culture, and in fact we've worked on cultural issues in other international forums with the EU for many years. I was in France earlier this week. They certainly reconfirmed to me their interest in protecting culture in this negotiation, so we have a lot of common cause on that issue.