Mr. Paszkowski, don't you think we have a challenge only in defining what icewine is? It's never been very scientific. It was invented by monks who were busy testing the previous year's wine and left the grapes to freeze. Then they decided to try to make wine with them. That was the first time icewine ever existed.
We have a complex reality with climate and climate change. In some areas, you have to adapt to climate conditions. We've got to be careful when finding the definition not to write off some producers. I know that between Quebec icewine producers and western producers, there's a little more than a discussion about that. We have to make sure we don't do that, because some producers from Nova Scotia or wherever else could be written off in the definition. That wouldn't help us because in the long run there's a huge potential for icewine in Japan. We have to make sure that we don't paint ourselves into a corner. The market is huge, and the demand will increase tremendously. If we can't produce enough icewine, other countries that are less respectful of international agreements or definitions will take over. You could freeze grapes or apples in China in a freezer and make very good icewine. Then we're in trouble.
Don't you see that as a bigger threat than agreeing on a definition for our country?