The rules of origin, to take an example, have to be clearly identified and addressed in the CEPA because of the Canadian environment of dealing through the North American territory. It has to be addressed properly. In India, as Jason mentioned earlier, the tariff rates are quite steep. To gain that market access and comparative advantage is....
To give you a brief case study, I was recently working with one of the potential investors here. He wanted to source canola oil from here. We went through a lot of areas. That investor spent almost two weeks here, and he saw evidence of opportunity. He came here to source canola, but then he saw that further on the value chain, it has so much potential. India currently is importing only 394 tonnes of canola oil against the overall demand in the thousands of tonnes.
There is a lot of...from the crop side to the crude side to the refining side to the working side, but there is a duty structure. When we worked on the numbers in terms of the costing, the costing was not making sense. If you look at it, the canola prices in Canada have been skyrocketing almost every year, going up 25% to 30%. Right now almost 80% to 85% of that product is going into the U.S. and the Mexico area.
But that investor saw the opportunity, and this is what he said: “I'm willing to invest even a couple of thousand acres of land to start that process, but in the long term I want to make sure that by importing that commodity from here to India, I will be protected with the duty structure. I don't want to make a sizable investment in this country if I'm not sure about it.”
All these things have to be addressed, and it will definitely impact business positively.