Absolutely. They are very good. Our trade services are excellent in India. I use them all the time. I was in India two weeks ago. I use them every time I go. The first time I went to India, I used our trade services to present our first show.
In answer to your other question about house building in India, I don't see in the short term our providing construction lumber to India to build homes out of wood. I see our opportunity, as it has been for us in the industry for the last 15 years, in interior lumber uses, such as, windows, doors, flooring, wood framing, finishing, spare parts. That's what I send our lumber for now. That's where I see the opportunity.
What slows us down is the tariff. When there's a 14.5% duty on our wood, by the time it reaches the customer, it's 22%, because 14.5% is the duty when it comes right into India and they take it at the border. Then there are state taxes, dock charges and related items that bring it up to 22% before our customer receives the lumber. I don't think there's much you can do on India's tax structure, but you might be able to do something on the duty of 14.5%. If you could do anything to reduce that down as close to zero as you could, we would get more opportunity to move our lumber into India and grow our market share.