If you had asked this question 10 years back, you would have been right on every count.
Today all I can say is that things are being regulated. They are better. Child labour has been abolished. Government-wise it's been abolished, but whether it's happening, it would be difficult for anyone to really say. But yes, it's not permitted.
Similarly, in the factory example you gave, it must have happened. I'm not going to say that it did not happen, but my point is that what we really need to look at is that India is growing and as we Canadians and other countries participate in India, we are having our own rules and regulations imposed. For example, I remember how Walmart would not buy from any factory in India that had child labour. There was a big article about it. They even stopped supplies. That factory had to stop.
These social norms come into being by working with a country and not totally because it's the onus of the country to abolish things. It's sometimes difficult; I will not for a second say that it's right, but everywhere they're trying to make progress.
So are your statements not true? No. You are absolutely right.