On your second question, I totally agree with you. As I told you, Indian innovation is not about sacrificing quality, but giving the right product at the lower price. That's the innovation model of India. So quality, I totally agree with you, is always there. It must always be kept in mind, whether it's for those 25 million people, or whomever, and whether it is for road building or whatever. Quality is a given, and it should be kept that way.
On the question of the diaspora, today, as a live example, you heard Suresh tell you what TiE is doing in building entrepreneurs and financing innovations, and the connectivity that his organization has. I don't think they have been tapped to the maximum potential. I can name other similar organizations.
But there's one thing missing in international trade. We used to have, I don't know how many years back, a meeting every three months, I think, in Ottawa, called Focus India to my knowledge. All the organization heads were invited to that meeting. Some used to participate by phone, some used to come from across the country. At those meetings, we used to exchange ideas with each other and everybody would go up and have two minutes to tell everyone else what their organization was doing. We came to know what was happening and what we could tap into and make connections. It was not purely based on Indo-Canadians but all organizations headed by whoever it might be, but focused on India. So that meeting was totally for India.
I would request that the committee please consider reintroducing that because it was a great meeting. In Ottawa, in a two or three hour long meeting, we used to learn so much about India, what was happening, where it was happening, and who was doing what. That way there was no duplication. If the diaspora were there, they'd know what was happening and then they'd know which role they could play, because the whole diaspora cannot play this role. There are a few organizations that can, but not all of the million Indo Canadians. Certainly, we need that connectivity and ability to learn about India right here rather than going over there and learning. It can certainly be tapped into here.