First, in my experience, before the Canadian government signs an agreement, like other businesses, the Canadian government should also take a delegation over there to the business people, not to the governments, as I did when I went with the Prime Minister and trade ministers in 1996.
To hear the real story, you have to go to the local people, the real doing-business people, not the bureaucrats or the politicians. Politicians aren't going to force. Let's do business. We need business. We need FDI.
My suggestion is that the Canadian government should consult the local Canadian business people and sit down at the table with Indian business people and find out about their process and their difficulties, such as corruption.
I want to back up for a point. In India there are educated people also, but 10 years back their salaries were very low and their living standard was very high. They could send their kids to private schools, colleges, universities. There are no other means except corruption.
Now salaries have been increased at every level. I go every year to India and talk with the bureaucrats. My family members are in the bureaucracy back home. But these are the issues. Not politician to politician or upper-level bureaucrat to upper-level bureaucrat; they should go to the middle levels, the real business people and find out their solutions, what they want. Then they should make conclusions before they sign this FIPA. Those are my suggestions.