The Canadian government should definitely talk to the Indian government. When any investor is investing money, they should be protected by the bureaucrats, by the police. They are harassed when they're doing fine and are successful. Even in the beginning they are harassed, but when they are very successful, then they are definitely harassed.
In the past, I built a couple of resorts and made a good profit on them, but now I'm having second thoughts on whether I should do that again. One of the governments—the state government, I'm talking about—is very corrupt, and you have to watch.
People are doing business, yes, in certain states. Gujarat is one of the best for commercial relations. I can say that's a safe place to do business today.
Another problem in India is that our federal government—in India we call it the central government, not federal—should have the say, not the state government, because when somebody does business in the state, the state government is the one that starts bothering or harassing the investors.