It's a very, very good question. It takes a lot more policy analysis than I'm capable of doing right now, in the two seconds I have to think about it.
I think it's clear, or to us it's clear, that Canada brings a lot to the table to Pacific Alliance. That might be an interesting area for the committee to think about. We're not just demandeurs here. We're our own powerhouse. As I said, we're G-8, G-7, G-20, and we have a really broad Pacific network when the Pacific Alliance turns to bringing itself out into the Pacific—that second part of its mandate or objective, right?
So what Canada brings to the table would be an interesting analysis, for us. To us it seems clear.
In terms of what's inside the Pacific Alliance box, are there specific areas that the committee could helpfully focus on? That's a more difficult one, because some of the areas inside Pacific Alliance negotiations are so embryonic at this stage.