Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank the committee for inviting me to participate in this discussion on a project I think is important.
I will first say a few words about what we are doing at Laval University in the area of international management. I have been working at the faculty of business administration since 1990. In other words, I have been a professor at Laval University for exactly 23 winters.
We have been very active in international management training, especially since 2008. I am the Director of the Stephen A. Jarislowsky Chair in International Business. We provide training to students at all levels of education—Ph.D., MBA and undergraduate. We are also conducting a lot of research, especially on emerging countries, including India.
Over the past few years, my faculty has organized trade missions with students. The students leave with company-issued mandates to explore business opportunities abroad. We have already organized four student groups that went on a trade mission to India. A total of 80 mandates have been given by companies.
When it comes to our companies—in Quebec, for instance—we see a net benefit in exploring business opportunities in India. It is usually not very difficult for our students to convince companies or find mandates. That is why I think this initiative or economic partnership we are discussing with India is a rather worthwhile idea.
I know this project is causing quite a bit of controversy, both in Canada and in India—I was in India not too long ago. There are numerous concerns in Canada. Many people are wondering about the economic importance of that project. It is true that, in terms of figures, trade and economic ties between Canada and India are unfortunately still relatively weak. We are not one of India's key partners, and India is not one of our key partners either. In light of that, many people are wondering what the point is.
I think that India should be seen as not just a potential large market, but an existing one. The fact that the Indian market is still fairly marginal to us is all the more reason to make an effort to increase it. That market is large, if only in terms of population, youth, and a savings rate of over 35% of the GDP.
We have to consider the events of the past few years. Two comparisons need to be made to understand that type of a country. In Canada, we often compare India's situation to our own. Conclusions are drawn very quickly in such cases. For instance, it is said that India's market and economy are still very small and do not account for much. I think another comparison should be made regarding India's recent past. Since 1991, when India committed to making reforms, an incredible change has occurred. Every time I visit, I see economic progress and progress in every sense of the word. You should know that the famous summit of the BRIC countries was held in South Africa today. India has a great deal of potential. Given that country's potential importance, we should prioritize the development of its market.
In addition, India has a lot of potential as a supplier for us. When suppliers are mentioned, many fear offshoring, and that's something people resist. It is true that we must do everything we can to keep more jobs at home. However, the real issue consists in not keeping jobs artificially. We have to increase our competitiveness, and one way to do that is by knowing how to take advantage of other countries' strengths.
I work with businesses, where a very simple principle is applied. Today, given the numerous opportunities around the world, a business must know how to choose. It must decide what activities it should do alone, what it should do with others, and what not to do or to stop doing. That's an important decision. If we manage to capitalize on the strengths of others and, ideally, to create a win-win situation, we will all come out better for it.
Our students' mission led us to the clear realization that our companies needed to find new suppliers. Over the past few years, many of our companies have used China or other countries, such as Mexico, as a sort of a subcontractor. However, the situation in those countries is changing. India seems to be a very intriguing option.
The other reason we should try to promote our trade and relations with India is that this country has a very specific economy. It is often said that the state is fairly weak, but companies are very strong in India. The number of companies is relatively small, but some of them are very large. Even when it comes to R and D, some of them are very successful. In these conditions, if our companies can work with them, we may all come out winners.
Canada, like Quebec, needs more foreign capital. We see that, over the past 20 years, India has begun to invest abroad more. Last year, its foreign investments totalled over $15 billion. So it would really be good for Canada and India to establish a positive relationship.
Some people think that concluding a free trade agreement will not solve all of our problems, and I agree. I would say that we should not think that, once the free trade agreement has been signed, we can expect easy results. It must be understood that India's society is very different from ours, despite certain similarities in terms of democracy, or even language.
The major challenge for our companies would be to take advantage of the opportunities provided by India. To do that, they need more help. Companies that will internationalize—especially in countries like India—will have to meet additional challenges, particularly in terms of the institutional gap. The state plays a very different role in India. It's a protector that struggles to get involved. It's also a promoter that gets involved a lot. We have seen this in recent years, for instance, when it tried to conclude all kinds of free trade agreements in order to support its companies and promote its economy.
In addition, India is something of a producer state. The state sector is still very strong. It contributes at least 15% of the GDP. It's a state that plans ahead, and a look at its five-year plan is enough to see that. It directs investments and economic activities.
The cultural challenge is also significant. The way things are done in India is very different from how they are done in Canada. The distance is another obvious factor. A vast distance separates us, and that will complicate the operations of our companies that want to do business in India, and vice versa.
If we were able to conclude such an agreement, it would be a very good first step, but we have to continue investing to make it a win-win situation.
Thank you.