A lot of those points that you raise.... One of the issues in terms of the CETA agreement with the European Union, for instance, which the government is talking about, although they are a little over a year behind in that negotiation too, is labour mobility, the recognition of professional standards and so on. That may be a good objective, but wouldn't it be better to try to renegotiate or enhance the trade agreements than this kind of nebulous concept?
I'm a member of this committee and for the life of me, I just don't understand this Pacific Alliance business. I don't think members opposite do either, to be honest with you.
You said, Ms. Macdonald, that we need to tread carefully because Canada could become more marginalized. You expanded on it somewhat on Bev's questions and Don's as well. That worries me because of our role in the world. We are an export nation; we trade with countries such as Brazil and others in the South American sphere. Can you expand on that further? What are the danger points that we have to be looking out for if we are going to go ahead with this concept?