What I will say is that India will soon be the most populous country in the world. We have to explore ways of deepening our trade with India.
Our current bilateral trade is somewhere in the order of $5.2 billion a year. That is modest compared to the potential that is there, which is why we're continuing to negotiate with India. We've completed seven rounds of negotiations.
Thank you for mentioning some of the work we're doing in placing trade commissioner services in the key emerging markets of the world. You're absolutely right. We've placed more resources in India. We've also placed more resources in Brazil. We've also placed more trade commissioner service resources in China. We've done that because those are rapidly growing economies.
They've also been impacted by the global economic crisis. Growth rates have moderated in those countries. But going forward, with the growth in their populations and the growth in the size of their middle class, we'd be crazy not to pay attention to them and look to put in place the kinds of tools that are going to allow Canadian investors and exporters to do business with those regions of the world.