But not that it's an exaggeration, though.
On the TPP, there's a lot of discussion here about how we joined after the ninth round. Quite frankly, I think there's some surprise in the lack of forward momentum. You have to realize that there's a lot of talk about the United States steering these meetings, but the United States wasn't a founding member. A number of countries decided to open up the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
There's a lot of work to be done here. I think most of us who believe in free trade welcome this group, but none of us is so foolish as to think they're going to be able to negotiate an agreement by the end of the year. If they can, good luck, but it's a huge undertaking.
Mr. Cannan wanted a couple of questions, but I have one before I wrap up.
With your association with the government—not just our government, but previous governments—in briefings and in having the dairy industry and the supply-managed sector as a whole understand what our free trade agreements are about, are you satisfied with your briefings and the amount of input you have with government?