I guess, to be fair, it's not clear at this stage all of what is in that agreement.
Ms. Des Chênes, I sense that you like the direction we are going in with TPP, and I'm not trying to be flippant as I say that. I looked at a press release that came out—and I share this with my colleague from Malpeque because this is actually very good news—where you talked about the export of forest products from Canada now being worth $26.4 billion and how Canada has a trade surplus in forest products of $17.2 billion. That's pretty serious.
This is my question for you. While the world did not start in 2006, it is a point to which I will make reference. Since the Conservatives came to power in 2006, have there been any trade deals—and here I don't know the answer to this; it is not a set-up question—that have not been to the advantage of the Forest Products Association of Canada, or that have hurt you at least, where we have been involved? Have you supported our trade deals to this point?