I think it is a reference to the long game, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Clark, thank you for your comments. Many of them here, quite frankly, I agree with, and I do think it's the long game. You can look at your comments and you can say that the glass is half empty, or as I would prefer, look at it and say that the glass is half full.
I appreciate your comments earlier about TPP, and about the importance of being at the table. I'm not about to suggest that it's a perfect set of circumstances, or that the Americans are simply there for the good of all of the other countries involved. I think they're there to protect their self-interest.
My first question is on the challenge. I expect that Japan will be ratified and be a full member. The challenge will be to keep the Americans focused—I think they have been making most of the snowball so far, without question—and to make this broader than it is at this time.
I don't disagree with your statement that this is a long game and it's going to take some time.
Do you agree with that? Is there the possibility that we can actually turn this into something that's workable?