Regarding the WTO Information Technology Agreement, I guess the question is how it would relate to a bilateral negotiation. The ITA is an agreement under which, essentially, a number of countries have come together and agreed to not charge tariffs on high-tech equipment. There's a specific list of equipment attached to that agreement. We would deal with that in our goods market-access negotiations. We typically seek elimination of tariffs on all non-agricultural products.
I don't know where Brazil would stand on that, particularly with respect to information technology goods, but our position in the negotiations would be that we would seek the elimination of tariffs on all non-agricultural goods.
Generally speaking, in terms of intellectual property, we don't seek a lot of commitments on intellectual property in our trade agreements. We typically affirm the WTO TRIPS Agreement, including its flexibilities as they relate to health and access to medicines. We are open to some cooperation on intellectual property, but we don't typically seek anything that is TRIPS-plus.