If I may, I would make a couple of comments. You've described basically what the situation is if you look at Stats Canada data or Eurostat data. There's no question.
I'd make a couple of observations.
First, in many resources—agriculture and some of the things you've quoted—services are part of that package. They're what we call embedded services and goods. In fact, in today's world...that's why I mentioned electronic commerce. Increasingly, you can't separate the two. You use transportation to move oil, for example, sometimes with nasty consequences, as we all know. But it does take services—legal services, architectural services, engineering services. That's one point: it's not just black and white; you send a rock or a log, and that's it. There are all sorts of services related to it.
Secondly, in many cases the Canadian consumer...which is why I emphasize that, and I include myself as a Canadian consumer. I'm delighted that my ophthalmologist can use high-end German technology when looking for glaucoma or whatever else. To some extent we benefit. We're making inroads. In some of the aerospace we're doing rather well. If you travel in Brussels you sit on a Bombardier train.
On the global numbers, you're right. But over time as the economy changes and it moves towards a higher end, as you put it, a higher value-added, and as we begin to count the value-added involved, I think what you set out describes only a static situation and it is probably not useful as we look ahead, because services, technology, and goods are all wound up together. It's not quite as dire as you've mentioned.
If I may make a third point in response, Chair, in our current account, which you mentioned, our balance of payments in services is much better globally as well as with Europe than our overall trade numbers—commercial services, not all services. Tourism is bad and transportation is bad, and some services are very bad. But in terms of business services—insurance, finance, engineering, architecture—we're running a surplus in Canada. People don't recognize that.