You talked about the numbers, $90 million for canola. That will mainly go into the biodiesel sector, the non-food sector. When we see some movement in the European Union on GMOs, and some recognition on science and health and safety around GMOs, that number could be exported as high as maybe the beef number, to the $600-million mark.
In the hog sector, I am kind of curious. We've had our frustrations with the U.S. We have a trade deal there. It has worked fairly well in the past, but it has some frustration now with the country-of-origin labelling. This would give you an opportunity to shift some production away from the U.S. to somewhere else. What is the impact on your sector, knowing that you have that bigger market access? Does it give some more viability and some more confidence within the sector for investment into hog barns and maybe some expansion back into the sector that we haven't seen for many years?