We work with a couple of experts in the sector who studied what the industry was asking for, who studied the government briefing, and gave us the impression of what's in the new agreement. To the best of their ability, they estimated a range of what the additional costs would be.
There's no question there's going to be greater cost because there's going to be some delay in bringing generics to the market. It's not clear exactly what all the measures are. That's why there's a range. But there is going to be added cost, so I don't think it's credible for the government to say there's no impact on cost. In fact, the government's gone on since then to say if there is an impact, they will find a way to compensate. I think clearly there will be an impact on the cost.
Our other point is that we're rewarding bad behaviour with giving them more subsidies, when they're not investing here. We're already paying such excessive price levels, way more than Europeans are paying.