Yes. The legislation that protects us.... There are three pillars of supply management, and one of them is import controls. We have legislation that establishes what those products are that we have controls over. What the industry has been capable of doing in the last five or six years, and the last three of four years especially, is they've been able to fractionate the products down and then reconstitute them back into products. Those fractionated products were left behind in the last WTO agreement and were left behind in a lot of the agreements that are taking place. That's where the problem arises. There are no tariff lines on that.
We have supply management that is a bucket right now with a few holes in it. Consumption or sales are keeping up with those particular holes of leakages of whatever we're losing in the market. That's the dilemma we have right now. That's why we need government support if we're going to keep supply management intact the way that it's working. We need the government's support. There are people who are trying to circumvent the rules. There are very creative individuals who will try to bring in blends, milk powder that has a tariff on it, but they'll put rock salt in it or something like that and then filter out the rock salt later, or they'll throw something else in there. That's what those creative people were doing years ago. There are other creative things happening. Now with the new fractionated products, it's hard.