Today it's only 5% controlled by the state. State-led production in China is only about 5% of total production. It was the reverse in 1980.
The Chinese government understands very well that if they want to move from a lower middle-income economy to a middle, or upper middle-income economy, they're going to have to liberalize even further. I think there is a realization that one way to do it is to create external pressure on itself, and the way to create that external pressure, within limits, is to join a trade agreement where it's foreign countries essentially putting restraints on your economy so that you have to open it up. That's exactly the strategy they took when they entered the WTO.
It was a very difficult decision they made because there was a lot of domestic opposition, but Zhu Rongji understood that by joining an international system and committing internationally to undertake reforms, such as opening up your manufacturing sector, you can use that as a cover if you will for domestic reforms much more easily than if you did it domestically.