You mentioned TTIP. I want to get into that because what the European Union is doing with the United States in negotiations now is they put out a press release where the chief negotiator, Karol de Gutch, said:
—existing arrangements have caused problems in practice, allowing companies to exploit loopholes where the legal text has been vague.
He also said:
I'm determined to make the investment protection system more transparent and impartial, and to close these legal loopholes once and for all. TTIP will firmly uphold EU member states' right to regulate in the public interest.
Further, the press release stated:
The Commission wants to use the opportunity to improve investment provisions already in place to protect investments by EU-based companies in the US, and vice versa. In practice this would mean referring explicitly in the deal to states' right to regulate in the public's interest.
In other words, what the EU is saying is nothing short of an explicit phrase in a trade deal that says the trade deal will not impinge on states' ability to govern or legislate in the public interest is good enough.
You've seen the draft investment chapter that has come out. It was leaked in November. Do you have any concerns in that regard that CETA will impact or restrict the ability of Canadian governments to legislate in the public interest?