The consultations that we have are broad-based. They're ongoing. They're not simply in relation to an FTA. They're in relation to the bread and butter of our job, which is to understand Canadian businesses and Canadian stakeholders' trade interests. We take that information in a variety of contexts and use it in a variety of contexts, and then we dig down specifically in respect of this initiative. So yes, I guess, in a simple answer to the first part of your question, yes.
Because we happen to have the same information at our disposal with respect to what Canadians want, does it mean that we will have the same outcome in the TPP as in the CETA? I'm not sure that I would make that link, because the outcome we have is partly in relation to what we're seeking absolutely, and it's partly in relation to what others are seeking, and it's partly in relation to the specific configuration of that agreement, which may be slightly different from another agreement. They're all based on a similar model, but they all try to build upon each other.
I absolutely anticipate that this will be of great benefit to Canadian businesses and stakeholders and exports in the region. There's no doubt about it. For similar sectors in some respects, similar benefits across Canada in different provinces, absolutely.... Will it be exactly the same? I guess time will tell, but I think it will be very important. If it shapes up the way it's trying to shape up now, I think it will be very important indeed.