I think I mentioned earlier and we had a good discussion in the committee this morning about all the challenges that face Honduras—poverty, violence.... Narco-trafficking, I have to say, is an overwhelming concern in the region, and particularly in Honduras. All of these things really undermine prosperity, security, and good governance, which are the three key themes in Canada's Americas strategy—prosperity, security, good governance, along with democracy.
We have a choice in terms of our foreign policy, our trade policy, etc. We can look at a country such as Honduras, facing all the challenges it has, and turn our backs and say, “You aren't doing enough, you need to do more, and after you do more, then we will engage with you.” Or we can do what the Canadian government's policy is, which is to engage with that country and say, “We recognize that you need help on all of these fronts, and so we will engage with you on all of these fronts.”
It's in that regard that Honduras is a country of focus for Canada's development cooperation programming. We are working closely with them in terms of security and justice programming, helping to build a legal system that will eventually be able to overcome the challenges my colleague mentioned of a culture of impunity, etc. We are engaging with them on prosperity, in part through some of the CIDA programming in helping directly some of the coffee and cacao farmers learn to engage with international markets. We are also negotiating and ideally soon implementing with them a free trade agreement that will liberalize the trade and investment environment, provide appropriate rules, and open the doors to more economic opportunity for both Canadians and Hondurans.