I'm trying to remember which report that was. That's a long list of domestic factors that we need to address. We need to try to find ways. We are not as innovative as we should be. We don't invest as much as we should in machinery and equipment.
Let's address, among the many factors, the innovation factor. Canada used to discuss the economy in terms of natural resources versus manufacturing or trade. But quite quickly, trade is shifting towards more knowledge-based activities like research and development, life sciences—as mentioned in the plan, for example—and ICT. That's where the Canadian market is—sustainable technologies. The Canadian market is not big enough to sustain growth in these kinds of knowledge-based activities for all kinds of reasons. With anything that is knowledge-based, you immediately want to apply it to the global market to benefit from it and grow your business, and become more innovative.
That's one example.
If we grow those sectors, automatically that addresses the issues.