I think the Team Canada approach, on a case-by-case basis, might work in certain markets where those kinds of representations are very important, where the kind of big-team approach is important. But what the study says is that really when you look at the two approaches overall, the one that really keeps a relationship on an ongoing basis and makes sure that the Canadians, the diplomats, and the economic diplomats who are on the ground really foster those sustained relationships is really the key—that and trade agreements. It's even more so the key when you deal with countries that are perhaps not quite as open as Canada, countries that perhaps have different systems, that are not quite as high ranking on the economic freedom index.
So the study clearly says that the traditional, if you like, more sustained diplomacy, with the presence of embassies and particular trade agreements and so on, really does have a sustained impact, which is not necessarily always the case with a Team Canada mission.