No, there's not, and there's no silver bullet either here. There's nothing that any government can do to assure the success of a company that, from a business point of view, doesn't have the right business model, doesn't have the right product, or at the end of the day doesn't have the capacity.
It does come down to business strategy, and I think the most important thing here is aligning the services that are there behind this notion of, if companies are going to grow in Canada, it's probably not going to be in the domestic market itself, with one exception. I think that's the resource, the infrastructure, and the oil and gas projects across the country that provide a certain segment of industry with a tremendous platform to take new technologies and new products globally.
But at the end of the day that international development has to be very important. It's not just the federal government. It's also the need for the provincial governments, other agencies, and industry associations like ourselves to align better.