Thank you very much.
My apologies for being late. Just in time seems to work for the auto industry, but when you apply it to the airlines, it doesn't work quite as well.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be here today to comment on the GMAP.
There are many things that I like about the document, and there are some things that I think could add to its impact. I should mention that my comments will be coming from the perspective of an international business educator, as someone who spent 20 years working outside of Canada in various capacities, and someone who is now trying to do exactly what the GMAP is trying to do: get more of our SMEs taking advantage of the opportunities beyond our borders.
One of the things that has impressed me about the GMAP was the amount of consultation that went into its production. Stakeholders were not only consulted, but actually listened to, and the resulting plan shows this. The consultation is to continue with the proposed advisory council and its two standing subcommittees on emerging markets and established markets. I think that's one of the strengths of this plan.
But what I was most happy to see in the GMAP was its focus on SMEs. They are the backbone of our economy, and there is enormous room for improving their export performance. Only 10% export. Of those that export, the majority do so to the United States, with less than one-third exporting to Europe, about 21% exporting to Asia, and to other parts of the world, much less.
However, if we look on the glass-half-full side, looking at growth in exports to Asia, Canadian SMEs outpace our large companies in China, India, Hong Kong, and five of the ASEAN markets.
The third point that I liked about the GMAP was the fact that the plan prioritizes markets. I haven't seen that done before at the government level, and it's an important step to take. However, when I look at the list, it's a long one. Are they all priorities? Can we really focus on all of them? Do we perhaps need to categorize them further as top priorities and secondary priorities within each of the regions?
I was also glad to see “improve and coordinate branding and marketing of Canada” in the plan. For too long we've been too modest, and finally it's not un-Canadian to boast a little bit, to show what we've got.
As a last point, the recognition that this plan must be “agile and adaptable” is critical. Events in the world move quickly these days, and we have to be flexible enough to take advantage of the new opportunities that present themselves. Reviewing periodically to recalibrate if necessary is also good to see included.
However, some areas that I would like to have seen given more emphasis in the plan are services, which are a huge part of Canada's trade that deserves more prominence in the GMAP. There are services in the 22 priority areas listed, but I think they should be given more prominence.
One of those services is education. When I checked Canada's international trade and services by category on the DFATD website, I couldn't find education. Is it lumped in with government services? Maybe, but if you don't see it, what doesn't get measured usually doesn't get counted. International students add greatly to Canada's economy. I'm happy to see that there is also an international education strategy, but I would like to see a closer link between the GMAP and the international education strategy; otherwise, I see them becoming siloed. Embedding a trade commissioner in the international education strategy is a good step, but I'd like to see more. Don't forget that international students, on returning home, often rise to positions of influence, and when faced with international procurement decisions, will turn first to the country they know best, Canada. I've seen that happen with other countries; I'd like to see it happen more with Canada.
Still on the education point, the GMAP focuses on our current business people, understandably. But what about the next generation? Let's think ahead and have them better prepared. Partnering with universities and colleges would be a good plan to link the present and the future, and EDC is doing that now. Witness my professorship, the EDC professorship in international business at Schulich.
I'd also like to see some emphasis in the plan on accessing multilateral lending agencies, for example the Asian Development Bank. We've always done very well at the ADB on consulting services, but not nearly so well on the far more lucrative goods, works, and related services. Are there ways that the GMAP can help SMEs enter the supply chains of companies bidding on these projects, and also help our larger companies? That would be extremely beneficial to Canada.
Also—probably it's top of my mind since I'm speaking on this at the APEC meetings in Beijing next week—mobile commerce. I didn't see that at all in the GMAP. Mobile commerce is a step on from e-commerce, and this is the way the world is going. Some recognition of it, with help for SMEs to access the latest technology, would be good to see in the GMAP.
The GMAP is very good at giving a strategy, but it also needs the implementation. A strategy is only as good as its implementation. Adding more resources to the trade commissioner service is a good start. Beyond that, I see several areas to focus on. First, how are you going to get information out to the SMEs? There's a lot of information out there coming from all sorts of sources, and the SMEs that I talk to are bewildered about where to start to look. If they're new to cross-border business, they often don't even know the questions to ask. Those with some experience under their belts still find it arduous to wade through all the different sources. A one-stop shop or portal with a user-friendly interface that you could market as the place to go to get all the information, with links to all the appropriate agencies, would be a great help.
As to the education of SMEs, almost anyone who talks about Canadian business mentions its conservativism and risk-averse nature. Cross-border business by its very nature entails risk, but it's manageable risk. SMEs need to overcome the fear factor if they're to succeed internationally. They need to know how to manage this risk, and this can be helped with education. The education can be done through forums, seminars, mentoring, accelerators. These are some of the things we're trying to do at Schulich Centre for Global Enterprise.
The other point here is that among the top six or seven factors that are found in numerous studies to be the reasons a company isn't doing business internationally are that they don't understand the business culture, they don't speak the language, or they don't have the management expertise. These are all factors that can be addressed in seminars or by mentoring, but they can also be addressed by linking SMEs with business students who do have these skills, who can be hired on a project basis, as interns, or as full-time employees.
That leads me to partnering, not only consulting but partnering with other organizations with the same aim. There are a lot of us out there with the same aim of getting more SMEs doing business outside of Canada, the CME, I.E. Canada, the chambers of commerce, my own Centre for Global Enterprise. This partnering can provide synergies and make scarce resources go further.
The GMAP needs to have a plan to follow up, to track individual companies. Without this, there may be a good start but there may not be follow-through on the part of the companies. This was one of the problems with the old Team Canada missions. There was almost no follow-up. A lot of the companies went out and kicked tires. It looked like there were some things happening, but once they got back to Canada they forgot about it.
Finally, we need a holistic view of trade. Trade is a two-way street. It's imports as well as exports, and more and more these days it's being part of the global supply chain. I didn't see that notion of the global supply chain reflected to the extent it should be in the GMAP. And another part of this point on a holistic view of trade, although I think it's probably beyond the scope of the GMAP, is that it would be very helpful if there were more coordination among government departments. I often saw what appeared to me to be DFAIT—as it was then—and CIC at cross-purposes, with DFAIT trying to promote trade and investment and CIC trying to slow it down via visa roadblocks.
I believe one of your earlier presenters mentioned import regulations being under the Ministry of Public Safety and not always aligned with export regulations. With companies these days often being both importers and exporters, we need to align them.
Then there are the interprovincial trade barriers. It's better than it used to be, but we may soon be in a situation where it's going to be easier to trade with Korea than between Ontario and B.C., which is very confusing for foreign companies.
In conclusion—am I still within my allotted time?