I can assure you, Mr. Pacetti, that when I visit China, and I visit China regularly, I engage with my counterparts not just on economic issues. We raise issues of human rights. I know every minister of your government who travels abroad regularly raises issues of human rights in countries where human rights violations are going on.
At the same time, I will again say this. We have made the decision to engage with countries like China, like Chile, like Colombia and Peru and Honduras because we believe we have many of the solutions. As we engage with them, we're able to share with them best practices in areas such as human rights, labour rights, the environment. In those countries that are impoverished, we also have the solutions to raise the economic outcomes of the citizens of those countries by using trade and investment, and raise more of them out of poverty and into the middle class. That's what engagement is about, and I believe that we, as the Canadian government, do that effectively and will continue to do so.