That's absolutely true. In fact in this agreement we have the most ambitious provisions on temporary entry for professionals and other service providers that Korea has ever agreed to in any FTA. This goes far beyond what they have in KORUS. Well, in fact, they have nothing in KORUS.
In the case of their agreement with the European Union, it's basically a reiteration of their existing WTO commitments, nothing more.
We have state-of-the-art provisions that cover important professionals like engineers, accountants, veterinarians, and so forth, who will be able to enter the Korean market to perform their services without the need for a labour certification test. That's the key documentary requirement that our professionals will not require. These commitments of course were made on a reciprocal basis, but this is great news for Canadian companies seeking to access that market. Independent professionals can do that. They can also come in as contract service providers. There's a specified list of covered professionals in the agreement, and those who are on the list will have much easier access to the Korean market.