Thank you for the compliments. I served as president of the Fédération des producteurs de porcs du Québec—Quebec's federation of hog producers—for five years, so I am happy to accept the compliment.
I want to say a word on producers from other Canadian provinces. If you have read La Terre de chez nous lately, you know that we held a meeting with U.S. and Mexican producers. All producers, regardless of where they live, are in the same position. We all want to improve our products and meet our fellow citizens' demands. Thank you very much for your compliments, as they are always nice to hear.
Regarding free trade agreements for our sector, it should be understood that we export 70% of our production. There is political instability around the world, and currencies are fluctuating. As a result, having access to markets gives us openness and stability
A new generation is prepared to take over in our industry. As you mentioned, succession in the pork industry has experienced some difficulties in the past. We want the political spectrum to continue to ensure the future of this sector and of our producers.