Thanks for the clarification.
Mr. Stanford, I always enjoy listening to your presentation. I don't always agree on the perspectives, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I'd like to pick up on a comment by my colleague, Mr. O'Toole. He was talking about the auto sector. When the question was asked to Mr. Burney on Tuesday at our meeting, he talked about the impact on the auto industry. He said every credible study that has been done on the subject has concluded that the impact that the Canada-Korea free trade agreement will have on auto jobs and production in Canada would be negligible at 0.2% of domestic production. That 0.2% figure was from a report by University of Toronto professor Dr. Van Biesebroeck, with which I'm sure you're familiar.
I've been on the trade committee for eight and a half years. David Emerson, who was the trade minister when I started, conducted some other studies. More than 90% of vehicles produced in Canada last year were exported, and half the Korean cars that come into Canada are brought in duty-free from the U.S. As Mr. O'Toole alluded to, a thousand more workers from Ford in Oakville will make those vehicles for export. Could you clarify again why you are against supporting Canadian workers who are obviously clearly yearning to compete and win in the global marketplace when it's a level playing field?