The dispute settlement mechanism, particularly on autos, was essential to concluding the deal so that this was a good deal for Canada. The U.S. snap-back clause is also in effect. I think it's important to think that Canada will need to work with its EU and U.S. partners to ensure that the Korean industry and the Korean government understand the importance of two-way openness to trade since we are certainly incredibly open to Korean vehicles that are imported, not just from Korea, but also from Korean-owned plants in the southern United States that are coming into Canada duty-free under NAFTA.
The global supply chain here is very important. Tariff barriers need to be surfaced and transparent. Testing needs to be rational; it needs to be actually related to a consumer safety issue or need, and Canada will need to cooperate with the other auto-exporting nations in order to ensure that the Korean market is open. It's a vital part of this agreement.