As I've outlined to this committee previously, our primordial and key relationship will continue to be with the U.S. That being said, Canada is vastly underexposed to Asian markets when you compare us with similar economies. It is a bit of apples and oranges at times, but we've seen Australia just leap ahead of Canada in terms of its penetration of Asian markets—Korea, China, and Japan. We don't want to fall further behind, because North American growth rates are going to be relatively flat. That being said, Mexico does provide, I think, a really interesting market.
But it's clear that the growth in the global middle class will come in Asia. We can't be left behind. We've seen competitors from the U.S., Germany, and Australia very active in those markets. The more we can do to promote large business as well as small and medium-sized firms, to take advantage of new customers in growth markets in Asia, the better.