If I understood the question correctly as far as some of the best advantages for the Korean market, we missed a few things along the way when we talked about the possibility of, depending on the various sectors, increased jobs or what have you. Certainly in our industry, and perhaps in a lot of others in the agrifood industry, the ability to increase your capacity utilization for a plant that's already there, whether the workers are there or you're going to have to increase the workers, is huge. It is a powerful tool when it allows you to decrease your variable costs or your fixed costs. It gives you some marketing options for some of the countries you are already dealing with that you are not going to have to be as reliant on perhaps, as we use Korea as the gateway into Asia, hopefully, because that is the first one. That's huge, certainly in our industry, because obviously malt is treated as a commodity, as are some of the other ones.
The other thing is that perhaps down the road, in my view anyway, it's going to send a clear signal to other countries that look to Canada for food security, particularly perhaps Japan, whether we have an economic agreement with Japan bilaterally or through TPP or what have you. Just having this agreement in place and ratified quickly is going to send a very strong signal to other countries that want, at least in the agrifood sector, to deal with Canada.