Sure. I'll preface my remarks on that by saying that we've not only developed dispute settlement processes that are going to be far more effective than previous ones, but we've also put in a number of mechanisms to prevent disputes from occurring in the first place.
Our regulatory cooperation chapter is geared towards preventing issues from becoming disputes. We will have greater interaction, greater dialogue between Canadian and EU participants. It will be the same in technical barriers to trade. It will also hold true in sanitary and phytosanitary barriers. This is about more cooperation, closer cooperation, so you don't get disputes.
If you do end up with a dispute, then clearly we don't want those disputes to be frivolous, so we have provisions to prevent frivolous disputes. We want to try mediation first, to resolve the dispute more quickly. We have mediation provisions in the general dispute settlement mechanism as well as in the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.
If you finally do get to a dispute, we have an open, transparent system, but one that will move a lot more quickly than the ones we've seen in the past. We have confidence that the clear-cut language in these provisions will make disputes fairly easy to resolve.