I was referring to the GMAP. As you know, the current global market action plan not only identifies 50 priority markets for Canadian businesses, but also identifies certain sectors and certain professions that we're trying to advance opportunities for. So for air transport in our department, we have different agreements that we use to leverage, and I guess we would see them as different pillars to advance our trade and investment objectives. We have free trade agreements, science and technology agreements, investment protection agreements, and air transport agreements.
So under the GMAP we're expanding opportunities, not just in certain markets but for certain Canadian sectors and professions. We're looking at having ATAs that support that expanded business that we're looking for. An example is the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement, which is now in force, and we just recently brought into force an open-skies type of agreement with Korea to ensure that those opportunities from the expanded trade and investment will have the air links to support those job opportunities.