To explain where this number comes from, the metric we use to estimate the size of a bilateral air travel market is the number of one-way trips. If you take a plane from Canada to another country, that's a one-way trip. If you return to your home, that's another one-way trip.
On average the size of the pie, if you will, in a year for Canada is about 40 million one-way trips.
We now have 112 or so partners. If you go through each of these arrangements or agreements, you will identify a small number where a carrier, either a foreign or a Canadian carrier, would like to do more than it is doing today but cannot because of the agreement. There is a very small number of those arrangements and agreements.
If you take them and put them together, look at the bilateral market we have with each of these partners and add it together, it amounts to about 2% or 3% of the 47-million one-way trips that I talked about earlier.
The point of the statistics is to show that our skies are open to competition. Foreign carriers come here. We have a lot of open agreements. But we also have a lot of agreements, even though they're not of the open-skies type, that do not prevent carriers from doing more than they are doing today.