Thank you so much, Mr. Chairman and committee members, for this invitation.
Before I begin my remarks, let me tell you a little about our organization. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives is a not-for-profit, non-partisan enterprise composed of the CEOs of 150 leading Canadian firms. Members collectively administer $6 trillion in assets, have annual revenues in excess of $850 billion, and are responsible for the majority of Canada's exports, investments, R and D, and training.
We engage in an active program of public policy research, consultation and advocacy. CCCE is a source of thoughtful, informed comments from a business point of view on issues of national importance to the economic and social fabric of Canada.
As I noted to this committee in testimony on the global markets action plan, or GMAP, last year, promoting Canadian commercial interests is critical to our nation's competitiveness and standard of living. This includes policies to support exporting and importing firms, the rule of law to facilitate two-way investment flows, and encouraging the people linkages that develop new customers for Canadian products. Total Canadian exports in 2013, including goods and services, were $530 billion in a $1.9-trillion economy.
For 2014, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development has reported that two-way merchandise trade—in other words, not including services—has for the first time in Canadian history surpassed the $1-trillion mark at just under $1.1 trillion. This milestone was reached in 2014, despite the fact that as the year wound down the sharp decline in crude oil prices significantly decreased the value of Canada's top export product.
The continued resilience of the Canadian economy in the face of global headwinds is a result of the drive and ingenuity of Canadian firms, the support of Canadian government policies, and open markets, in particular to our largest trading partner, the United States. The partnership approach to success in battling protectionism in global markets, in which business and government are aligned and execute on opportunities and challenges, is at the core of the global markets action plan.
Today I'd like to table four key points on the importance of Canada's air transport agreements and their alignment with the global markets action plan. These points reflect the Canadian Council of Chief Executives' views on how to measure the success of GMAP's implementation.
Priority one for us is a strong and positive commercial relationship with the United States and a renewed North American partnership. The U.S. is Canada's primordial trading partner. According to trade data from Statistics Canada and The Conference Board of Canada, the U.S. is responsible for about 73% of Canada's exports and the source of almost 50% of Canada's overall international airline traffic. Other nations fall far behind, such as Mexico at 5.8%. On this point, Canada's air access to the U.S. is excellent, and competition for customers, both cargo and passengers, is fierce. Canada has an open skies treaty with the U.S., which effectively grants unlimited access to U.S. airports so long as the airline can obtain a slot at the airport in which they wish to operate. However, the cost of travel in Canada remains high relative to the U.S. due to U.S. government support for involvement in the air transport sector, including subsidies, direct and indirect ownership, favourable tax treatment, and loan guarantees. In contrast, Canadian carriers operate in a deregulated, user-pay aviation system.
The World Economic Forum's “Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013”, which I would commend to this committee, rated Canada number one in the world in 2013 out of 140 countries for its air transport infrastructure, but 136th for its ticket, taxes, and airport charges. Again, let me just contrast that number. Number one in airport infrastructure, and number 136 in costs and charges. Costs at Canadian airports on travel, ranging from security fees to the Ontario aviation fuel excise tax, should therefore be examined.
More broadly in North America, the agreement with Mexico will be open for direct services to and from Canada once ratified by Mexico. I would note that Mexico has not concluded a full open skies agreement with any country, not even the United States. The key issue to facilitating improved air travel between Canada and Mexico is the elimination of the onerous visa requirements for travellers from Mexico. As a first step, Canada could begin by announcing it will waive the visa requirements for Mexicans who already hold valid U.S. visas. In 2008, Mexican tourists spent $365 million in Canada. In 2012, that number fell below $200 million. Canadian airlines have had to eliminate or reduce planned routes, and it's virtually impossible for a Mexican to arrange travel to Canada on short notice, whether for business or tourism purposes.
To summarize, while Canada's air transport agreements to the U.S. and Mexico provide excellent market access, fees and taxes that add costs to travel, and Canada's visa regime for Mexican travellers, require action.
Priority two for us for the GMAP and how to assess its implementation, as well as the effectiveness of other aligned policies, is the implementation of the Canada-EU comprehensive economic and trade agreement, noting here that the CETA is not yet ratified, but is an important and top priority for the Canadian Council of Chief Executives.
It's also not the main vehicle for air transport sector market access. Rather, this is the blue sky agreement that's already been negotiated with all 28 members of the European Union. Kudos again to the Canadian negotiators for securing this agreement, which will facilitate business and tourism. However, again we're looking at the same types of issues on the cost of travel. This committee may wish to examine the support that EU member states provide to airport hubs.
Priority three, I would suggest to you, is a strategy for Asia. Looking at our air transport agreements with Asia, in 2012 Canada officially joined the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which has now expanded to include 12 countries with a combined GDP of nearly $22 trillion. Of course, the negotiations have not yet been concluded.
Outside of the U.S. and Mexico, of the TPP countries, Canada has open skies agreements only with New Zealand and Japan for direct services. Modernization of the agreement with Australia is therefore commended as a priority. For other TPP nations, such as Vietnam and Malaysia, while market access varies, improvements could be negotiated if there is mutual interest and if there are concrete commercial plans on both sides.
More broadly in Asia, an open skies agreement is in place with South Korea, Canada's first free trade agreement partner in the region. On China, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives has recommended the launch of a bilateral free trade agreement. Again, as distinct from the FTA process, Canada already has in place an air agreement with China. However, slot issues are a constraint on this rapidly growing market in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Notably, again this is not a Canadian problem. This is an infrastructure challenge on the Chinese side.
Priority four, and the final point, is the growth of Canadian exports to emerging markets. There is a large number of emerging markets that the GMAP correctly identifies as markets with great potential because of their growing middle class and their need for Canadian products, and because of established firms and supply chains. New agreements we would recommend for negotiation in terms of air transport agreements would include emerging markets in Africa and Latin America, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Ecuador, and Belize, which again would allow for future growth.
Again, the point here is that in addition to market access, facilitation of travellers, tourists, and business visitors is critical to the growth of the air transport sector. Looking at Canada's visa policies is required in order to make most effective use of these air transport agreements.
In conclusion, the CCCE commends Minister of International Trade Ed Fast, Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt, Canada's chief air negotiator, Bruce Christie, the executive director of air policy, Mark Rioux, and their teams for the excellent work they've done to open up air market access. Their work ensures competition to benefit consumers and opportunities for Canadian airlines to grow and for the overall sector to enlarge.
Still, while the air transport agreement process is working well, more can be done to modernize agreements, as I've suggested, and expand agreements to new markets. We have every confidence that this will be done. Priority now needs to be given to examining the overall competitiveness of the Canadian air transport sector and key supporting government policies, and in particular, Canada's visa regime for business travellers, tourists, and in-transit passengers.
Thank you.