I believe in participation on the basis of excellence, but it's great to see a number of women members of Parliament here today.
On your point on China, first of all, a bilateral agreement is complex. It is a very different market than Canada, but we have seen economies very similar to Canada, namely Australia and New Zealand, identify the market potential there and take the plunge.
This won't be an agreement necessarily that matches perfectly our other FTAs, such as with the United States, which is a perfectly comparable capitalist market economy. There may be more, shall we call them, managed trade items to this. Approved visa status, as we have seen for Canada, has increased Chinese travellers. So it is going to be different. It does involve educating the Canadian public, learning more, and involving SMEs and large firms that have had success in that market to bring those lessons back to Canada, but the potential is huge.
Now we have a model agreement with an apples-to-apples economy, Australia, that has recently concluded. We don't want to be further behind because Australia provides, in some cases similar products to ours. Why not have that market access?
The lack of a 10-year visa is something we should take a look at, as well as the issue of transitioning students who come to Canada much more quickly for residency and citizenship. The whole visa regime is something that, as you point out, deserves a look. We want to keep pace, particularly with the United States, on those important people-to-people links.