We are connected. In the last year we've made a lot of progress in trying to increase that connection. We have cross-referral services. We have information centres that have been trained so that if an SME calls and says, well, I need x, y, and z, and it doesn't fit within the trade commissioner service offering, but we know that it might be EDC- or BDC-relevant, then we refer those SMEs. The worst thing that SMEs will have happen is that when they call a number, and then we give them another number to call, and another and another.
The cross-referrals are a way to actually provide almost a one-stop shop. It won't ever be perfect, but it is a great improvement from what we used to have, which was much more siloed. This is also enabled by the co-location. EDC is co-located in many markets with the trade commissioner service. If you're just on the other side of the corridor or the side office, the kinds of connections that can occur when we say, “I've met this SME, what can you do for them?”, are a lot faster and easier than if you're not co-located. We share business plans and we share lists of clients that we feel are promising so that we can actually be more targeted in helping those.