We were part of that study. If you look at the study and the analysis that was done, it was pretty much based on whether we can quantify what we know about tariff elimination, areas where we can quantify and take a look at that and work that through the economics. Then those would be the jobs. It's broken down by sector. I think some of that is even in the analysis that was provided after the deal was signed. We're still working on those numbers as well.
But as I say, that really doesn't take into consideration the new investments or the fact that companies are looking at new partnerships. Right now, we can certainly provide some analysis in terms of “if we were to get x amount of new investment as a result of this, this is how many jobs would be created”. But we might as well just work on the basis of the analysis that we have.
I also want to clarify that we were not part of the negotiations. We were consulted throughout the negotiations. The agreement in principle was signed, and the amount of information that I see that has been provided gives a pretty good sense of what we're about to see at the end of the day. The details still do need to be worked out, but from what we've seen in the agreement in principle I don't see anything in terms of some of the outstanding issues that would go very far off that, the analysis that was provided as a result of the agreement in principle.