Excellent. Thank you.
There's one last thing I want to touch on with you, if either or both of you have a comment on it. Both of you have spoken quite extensively about the trade commissioner service. You're both obviously aware of the announcement last week by the Prime Minister in terms of the expansion of that.
The other thing that was announced prior to that was the export market development program. That's obviously designed to provide some matching contributions that would be non-repayable to companies that seek to export to emerging markets for the first time. The aim of the program is to reach somewhere between 500 to 1,000 exporters per year and help to cover things like market research, participation in trade fairs, business development trips, and the like.
Obviously, you both have companies that are well into exporting, but is that something that you feel, had it been available to you at the time you were starting out...in developing some new markets or maybe even some that you're looking to move into in the future? Is that something you feel would be helpful to an organization like yours, or to a new business getting started?