Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and I thank the committee members for the opportunity to present to the Standing Committee on International Trade.
While the topic of your study is about competing globally with opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, my comments today will consist of a brief introduction of Acadian Seaplants, our export story, and how I feel government can support SMEs in developing exports.
Acadian Seaplants Limited was established in 1981 by my father, who operated out of my old bedroom in the house I grew up in. Today it's a high-technology life sciences company specializing in the manufacturing, cultivating, and processing of marine plants products for food, health and beauty, animal feed, and agrochemical markets worldwide.
We are an SME that exports $60 million to over 80 countries, employs 350 people in eight countries, employs 33 scientists including 12 Ph.D.s, and has manufacturing facilities, four in Atlantic Canada and one in Ireland.
We've built our company on four investment pillars.
The first is research and development. In order to create and maintain our sustainable competitive advantage, we invested heavily in applied R and D and technology. In most cases, Canada will never be the lowest cost producer, so we invest to ensure our innovation pipeline generates new and difficult-to-copy products for our global markets.
The second pillar is international market development. We knew early on that we needed to export if we wanted to develop this business as an industry. We knew we needed to expand beyond our borders and invest in international market development.
The third pillar is sustainable resource management. We invested in resource sustainability by employing renowned resource scientists to direct how we take marine plants out of the ocean to produce value-added products. We needed to ensure that what we were doing was sustainable for the future. Every year we know we harvest less than the annual growth of the seaweed in the ocean.
The last pillar is our investment in people. We have invested in people. In our company we speak 10 languages. We have first-generation immigrants from 11 countries working with us in Nova Scotia. They bring us technical skills and also skills in international markets, because they are familiar with the language, the culture, and the business customs in other parts of the world.
We have developed an expanding international infrastructure that involves highly qualified in-market sales and marketing and market development scientists. We have 43 personnel at distance. These are full-time employees outside of Canada working for us in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, and the United States. These people work to create value-added exports from Canada. We learned early on that it is important to have local support in those countries where we do business, and it is one of our best practices.
Last year, Acadian Seaplants acquired the largest seaweed processing company in Ireland. This makes us the largest seaweed processing company in Canada, the United States, and Ireland in our sector. We engaged the assistance of EDC, which has programs that assist SME exporters with a range of finance, insurance, and bonding solutions for global businesses.
EDC has helped us with trade receivable guarantees, such as we just heard about from the previous testimony, guarantees for foreign acquisitions, and guarantees for foreign currency hedging, which is certainly a major risk item for exporters.
The federal government was counter-cyclical in 2009 when it expanded EDC's and BDC's abilities. This was extremely valuable. Also, when the private sector essentially walked away from many different financial markets, EDC was there supporting us and allowing us to do the things we needed to do to expand our business. We would not be where we are today without EDC's assistance.
The Canadian trade commissioner service provides assistance in helping new and experienced exporters explore new foreign markets. Throughout the years, we have used their market intelligence and client introductions. That greatly assisted us in the early days. Canadian government support and endorsement give manufacturing companies instant credibility.
I want to commend the government on the work they have done on the free trade agreements, and specifically the EU free trade agreement. The format of this agreement is really a reverse of how other free trade agreements were put together. In effect, only the items that are in the agreement are the items that are excluded. Effectively everything else becomes part of that free trade agreement. This ensures that what gets generated into the future is covered by the agreement, and that the free trade environment will continue in the future.
As a biosciences company that conducts a substantial amount of research, I see a significant imbalance regarding SME government support for R and D programs versus government support for exporting. There's a need for a similar depth of programs for SMEs to develop export markets. I feel it's crucial for the success of SMEs not only to have the ability to create and innovate goods and services that the world will want, but SMEs also need to be able to develop those export markets. I have some very specific recommendations to assist SMEs.
We have put a lot of effort into bringing in buyers to visit our company, learn our technologies, and see our capabilities. These are not missions. I believe the federal government should work to allow and encourage SMEs to bring people in to do those kinds of visits. While there's no substitute for getting on a plane to visit customers, this is also a very important tactic that we've used very successfully.
I also feel it's very important for the federal government to find ways to assist SMEs to obtain foreign registrations for their products or services. There are many industries where a foreign registration is necessary to have the legal right to sell your product. Once you have one in one particular country, then you just have to repeat the same thing over and over again. If the federal government found a way to assist the SMEs to do that, it would open up those foreign markets much faster.
Another tactic that could be used very successfully is to institute an incremental export tax credit for SMEs. We're not looking to see that existing businesses be taxed at a lower rate, but only that the incremental amount of new business that one generates for a short period of time be at a lower tax rate. That kind of incentive would encourage people to develop export markets, knowing that some of the extra costs of developing those markets would be covered by that.
These are a number of specific concrete items which I think could make a difference to SMEs.
It's no secret that trade is a powerful driver of Canadian prosperity, and it's also true that Canadian SMEs must compete in a fiercely competitive global economy. When the federal government is developing policy and programs, it would be helpful to keep the following in mind. What may be considered a large company in Canada is still a small company on a global scale. We're a company that has $60 million in exports to over 80 countries. In Nova Scotia, we're considered to be relatively large. Having said that, on a global basis we're really very small. If the goal is to get SMEs to operate globally, we want to find ways to encourage those companies to get into that $100 million to $200 million range to compete effectively.
The Government of Canada has done a very good job of branding Canada. Please continue this effort. We have a fantastic image.
Canadian business tends to be risk averse. They need to understand how to manage these risks of exports, which can be addressed through education and mentorship.
Certain aspects of the global markets action plan I find most valuable. There's an emphasis on trade promotion and ambitious trade policy. There's an orientation to take our international diplomatic network and entrench it in economic diplomacy. They've set five-year targets to measure SME export success, and it's very important that government and industry stakeholders work together to keep the GMAP aligned with global trends.
In your deliberations, please set more aggressive targets and make them happen. It has worked in our company.
Thank you very much.