I'll have a a toast to your success there.
The other aspect you mentioned is the challenge of getting all the information, compiling it in one area. There is a website, canadabusiness.ca. If you're not familiar with that site, it's a one-stop shop for business to go to. It has everything from starting your business, planning, financing, managing, growing, government contacts, all throughout. It's a hidden jewel in some cases. We need to get the word out and better communicate that message. It is very helpful for entrepreneurs.
I have a constituent who just wrote a book on his experience in small business and trying to help entrepreneurs, everything from Stats Canada, using what's called KPI, key performance indicators, and the importance of a small business and comparing yourself to other industries. That's all available for free online through Industry Canada as well.
I had one other question for you, Mr. Deveau.
You commented about our GMAP, global market action plan. Are there any specific areas you feel we should be concentrating on that we're not? Do you feel we have the right mix with our present GMAP?