No, and that is the first thing that our stakeholders from the Asian markets ask for. We explain to them that the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers will certify that we have a reliable high-quality product. That is necessary.
The federation certifies the quality of the product, but sometimes they ask us to provide a guarantee about the nature of the product. We're still doing research on that subject. During the vote, I explained to some of the members around the table that a lot of extra work is required to get certified and to identify certain molecules and certain ingredients contained in maple water. That is what the stakeholders on the export markets want to know. They want to know exactly what is in the maple water. They want to know that it will be certified by the Government of Canada. They really want Health Canada and the Canadian government to certify on paper that certain molecules are contained in the product.
So we need this kind of certification, but I haven't yet found out how to obtain the certification from the Government of Canada, certification that would stipulate that the product has certain benefits because it contains certain molecules.