Yes, it'll mainly be me making the presentation.
My name, as you know, is Dionne Laslo-Baker. I never thought that I would be here speaking to you as a representative of the food industry. I have a background as a medical scientist. I have a Ph.D. in an area called “maternal-fetal toxicology”. I studied the effects of exposure to drugs and chemicals in the environment on fetal development, child development, and human health.
My husband and I have a son, David. When he was three, we decided to take him off all refined sugar, artificial flavouring, and artificial colouring. We saw a noticeable difference in him. It was always a challenge for us to find for him what he would consider a treat or a dessert. When I was in the kitchen three years ago minding my own business and not looking for a new career, my son David was making organic herbal tea and his brother was making popsicles, and one of them said, “Mommy, let's make teasicles.”
To fast forward, my husband and I discovered that nobody on the planet was making an organic tea-based or herbal tea-based frozen novelty. Based on that idea, we decided to send our product out to the world tea media. We thought that if anyone would know if it existed, it would be them. They surprised us by giving us a new product of the year award, and we realized that we were onto something.
With Agri-Food Canada, we went to the Fancy Food Show, and this is one where the support for going to that show may have paid off. We met Mary-Jane Ginsberg, who was the trade commissioner in California. She was instrumental in helping our business. She introduced us to some of the big people at Whole Foods, as well as Kroger and a number of large companies.
At that time, we hadn't even completed a box. We decided to go out and see if this was really a viable option. Was it really something that would last in the market? After having lineups down the aisle and being rated top of the show by Good Morning America and The Wall Street Journal, we realized that we were onto something. We raced home, made a box, and got into the marketplace within about two months.
We launched into the United States market just a little over a year ago. We are now across half the United States. We've launched into Sprouts Farmers Market, a chain of a little over 200 retail stores. Our aim was to launch in the southern states, where our market would go throughout the winter months, where it's a rather dry marketplace compared to Canada's. We've quickly gone from a very small business in Victoria into Whole Foods in the Midwest and are hoping, in discussions with Whole Foods, to launch nationally. We're going to be in Whole Foods across Canada, speaking to Loblaw and Sobeys, and also holding discussions with Kroger and retailers in the States.
I'm one of the biggest proponents of knowing what you don't know. My team is aware of my philosophy of admitting that you don't know something and asking for help. You name it, you come and talk to me, and I'll ask for your expertise, because I know when I don't know something.
An area that I feel is lacking in a lot of new businesses, especially in the food industry, is knowledge around distribution. I asked in the industry who was the best in this area, and I was told about a team in California. I was told, though, that no one would take me on: they wouldn't take us, they were number one, they were maxed out, and they weren't taking anyone new. Anyway, needless to say, they're with us. They're representing us now, and they're assisting us with growth.
The government has been very instrumental. In fact, I've been very surprised at the level of assistance, starting with the trade commissioners, which I found very, very beneficial. Unfortunately, Mary-Jane Ginsberg's position was eliminated, which is a shame, because she was really incredibly beneficial. In fact, I think part of the reason for her strength is the fact that she and her husband ran the Blue Monkey Coconut Collection, so they knew the world of distribution. They knew who to speak to.
That was incredibly beneficial, and I think it made her stand out from others holding that position. I thought it was a shame, because she was gone and none of the other trade commissioners have come quite as close as she did, although we've gone on to work with the Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia, which has really assisted us in some of our marketing efforts, and also Export Development Canada.
We have what you would call “bootstrapped” it to this point. My husband has a surgery centre—very fortunately—such that we've been able to manage the growth on our own to this point, realizing that we are going to need investment. We're going to need equity from an outside source. I think this is where we've run into a little bit of a challenge. We've gotten to a place that I think few companies have been able to reach.
Now we're at a place where we have POs coming in. We have retailers saying, “You cannot short me, or you'll be gone off the shelf.” We're trying to secure funds. We have reached out to EDC. They've been incredibly helpful. They've actually said they'll back us 100% with the banks.
They then suggested I reach out to BDC, where I found a few roadblocks, to be honest. When you're busy running an organization and you have two small children on top of that, and you're the head of each of your small departments, it can be quite challenging. We also run a centre for research and innovation under NRC-IRAP, where a number of our team members are under internships. I'm overseeing everybody. With BDC I found that each step of the way there was always kind of a “Well, this is what you're going to have to do. You're going to have to do this. You haven't got this. We want to see equity investors.” The fact that we had bootstrapped it actually went against us. They told us that they wanted to see others interested. I told them that others were knocking on our door, but we decided to try to keep this a 100% woman-owned, family-run company. That has been quite challenging.
One of my team members e-mailed me a few weeks ago and said, “Look: $700 million has been put aside by BDC for female entrepreneurs.” I got on the phone, I called BDC, and they said, “Well, we heard that, but we don't know anything about it yet.” Okay. So I spoke to them today and was told, yes, that just means it's been put aside, but it's still the same as the other investment in BDC, with the same things you have to go through. It's not much different from the other except that it's put aside for women.
They're really not accommodating, whereas NRC-IRAP has put someone aside as a specialist who has assisted me every step of the way. She and I speak almost weekly or biweekly and talk about how we can improve. We're innovating new products. We have three or four products in the innovation stage right now that we've been told will be as big as, if not bigger than, the products we have out right now. She's a direct link and has assisted me with growing that aspect of our business. I feel that if we had this on the financial end of things, it would assist companies that really can make it to this point.
I really like the idea—just as you said—of growth potential, growth-oriented companies, and, when you see that potential, to really be able to foster it by putting someone in place, similar to what has been done at NRC-IRAP.
We have interest from around the globe. We have a challenge with the EU. We're exporting to the United States, but we are at a disadvantage if we produce in Canada, because we don't have the agreement in the U.K. and in the EU that we have in the United States.
I think my husband might want to speak just a little bit about that.