Sure. From my perspective it's all about getting the information out there. Most of us have our noses down, as you've heard. I'm a marine biologist and my partner is a marine biologist, and we don't have a lot of business background or training. So accessing the resources that exist, figuring out what they are, where they are, and how to access them is a big part of the challenge.
Generally we have our hands full simply trying to run the business. We're working in the business, and one of the things I've learned through working with colleagues and getting business training is to learn to work on the business. It's often hard for those of us who are trying to make payroll and keep the business afloat to think about some of these other things, so any mechanisms at all to distribute information....
I have mentioned from our community VIATeC and Acetech as organizations that are very good at disseminating information and creating environments where CEOs, who have more business experience than I have, work in groups to share their experiences with each other. That has been extremely helpful to me.
Another area that I could comment on, at least in Victoria, is to tell you that we have connected with some of the leaders in the University of Victoria business school, the Gustavson School of Business. We have also done some work with Royal Roads University and I find those connections are really valuable. Maybe there's something there with these business schools that might provide some potential to help disseminate information and break CEOs away from their business and think a little bit more about running the business. A lot of it comes down to networking and simply getting out there. I know that I've had to put a higher priority on those kinds of activities, and it has paid off.