There is an upside and a downside to the China development bank. The bottom line is that you have to pay to play, period, end of story, but it's not enough to pay. You have to pay and then you have to pay for demonstrations, so you have to be a shareholder, and then you have to show up with money to work on a particular project.
In the case of that bank, I expect that microgrids would be an area where we would want to show up and say that we have something special. Carbon capture is another area where we would want to say that we have something special. Low-carbon water is another area where we could be given a sandbox within an eco-town, where we could demonstrate what we have, and have the services that go with it, and from there do very well.
One of the downsides of being so serious about renewing infrastructure in Canada, which this government has absolutely been, is that Canadian engineering firms are really busy at home. We need to think about the fact that we're going to need to find international engineering partners for some of these projects. There is a sort of balancing act to play there.