We are currently looking for foreign distributors. I have met with a number of trade commissioners, and I am working with them to establish the profiles of the distributors we are looking for. We have been working on that together since the beginning of the year. We have meetings and discussions on the topic fairly often.
My second challenge is the financing of that part. We have been funded by Fonds Bio-Innovation, which receives its money mainly from Quebec's Fonds de solidarité FTQ. The problem is similar to what was just discussed. In 2012, I went to the United States to obtain funding with the help of the Trade Commissioner Service. They helped me participate in a competition, which I won. I had an opportunity to make a presentation to some 325 U.S. investors. That fostered interest in investing in Emovi Inc.
I was facing two challenges. First, for a U.S. investor, venture capital must come from my province, Quebec, or at least from somewhere in Canada. But very little venture capital is available in Canada or Quebec.
Second, there were test beds or technology showcases in Quebec. We also had some sales in France and Australia, but the test bed had to be in the United States. They encouraged us to set up free systems in the United States. That is very expensive for us. It's a vicious cycle. We need money to do that.
The funding was being discussed and could have come to pass, but not a lot of money is available in Quebec. Two funds were interested. There was a disagreement in the—